Having a very long "vacation" with Mr. Assignment and my blog is being neglected..
Very sorry, my babe blog..
Now here I come to visit you and give you a big hug hug...=3
During the "vacation", there are tons of fun, sweet, stressed, upset things happened...
I am definitely stressed up and tension when I am having vacation with Mr.Assignment..
He didn't give me any sweetness or comfortable..
and yet I still need to work together with him until very late night..
ZOMBIEEE for 3 continuous sleepless night...
But I still love my Mr Assignment for giving me such a outstanding adventure..
A creepy, scary, and full of challenges adventure..
There are more that I can say with words..
It is a indescribable feeling..
Anyway, I have my sweetest April fool this year..
What is the thing that make me feel so sweet??
Hmm...I would like to keep it as my little secret..
If you guys wanna know it, then you guys need to slowly figure it out..
I would like to have some mysteries and suspends for this little secret..hehe..
At the same time, I hope myself had make the correct decision..(^-^)
Well, here I want to take the opportunities to apologize to my dearest family..
Especially my lovely parents..
Sorry to make them to worry about me due to the outstanding adventure gave by Mr. Assignment..
Sorry for my expensive phone bill during the "vacation"..
Sorry daddy..Sorry Mummy..
I'm truely deeply very sorry..
Besides, I think I just miss the chance to work with my lovely pretty Boss (Belinda Chee) again...
This is also because of Mr. Assignment and I miss the chance..
ARGHH!! I hate you, Mr Assignment..
Why don't you just disappear earlier?? (T-T)
Sigh..Never mind..
I need to be stay positive thinking..
I'm sure there will be another chance which is coming soon..(^-^)
Last but not least..
I am having serious HOMESICK!!
Mummy, sorry for can't going back to celebrate your birthday..
I Miss You Too!! (T-T)