Thanks God to give me such a good Daddy and Mummy..
Although is kinda late to post this up but now only I have that free time to give a name for my new "hubby"..
Wondering who is my new hubby??
Haha..."He" is a car car..But at the same time I have to say bye bye to my lovely SaKaI KinG Hubby...
Kinda miss "him" now..T.T
I get my new hubby last month (6 March 2010).
But actually my dad bought "him" 1 week earlier that the date I mentioned..
Is not I want a hew my dad said a car that with power stereng is easier for a girl to drive at KL..
So ends up I have to "divorce" with my old hubby..T.T
I don't want to do so..but...haih...I am being forced to do so..
You guys sure wonder where is my old hubby now right?
I can tell that "he" is at Langkap, Perak now..
The new car owner is a Chinese guy..And the lucky thing is the new car owner doesn't tear off my sticker that I stick on my old hubby...(actually this chinese guy is my dad's friend and he told my dad that he like my car's sticker)*wink*
Wakaka...Damn happy..but damn sad also la..this is because I really like that sticker so much..It represent me..
Everytime I go out with my old hubby, everyone sure look at my old hubby..but now..T.T
I MISS YOU, My SaKaI KinG...
So now I get a new hubby, what name should I named "him"?? hmmmm..*thinking*
SaKaI BaBy??SaKaI PrinCess??
The name will also design as a sticker for my new hubby..
Some of my friends suggest to named "him" as SaKaI PiKaChu.. sound a bit weird...Anyway, it still a good idea..since my nickname is Pikachu..haha
So guys, any ideas for my new hubby's name??
If got, please tell me or post it in my facebook account...I will consider it^^
Thanks ya...=D