Monday, December 21, 2009

Couple Shirt For Whole Family~^^

Wahaha..Recently I'm getting insane..
My mind is full of funny ideas..
This is the first one...
I think all of you wont be do so since this idea is so special..
The idea is I buy my whole family a pair of couple shirts~
My parents, my eldest brother and his girlfriend and finally me and my lovely sakai will have the T-shirt^^

Wanna see the shirt??

Here you go~

This is my parents' couple shirt?? Lovely right?? wahaha^^ I choose for them~
My dad promise me say that he will wear it during Christmas..My dad is so lovable~

This is my eldest brother and his girlfriend's couple t-shirt...
Nice right?? I choose for them~ AGAIN! wahaha XD

Imagine that the whole family is wearing the couple T-shirt and go for christmas celebration....
WOW!! that is very very romantic and special~

Are you guys wonder where is mine couple T-shirt??
Haha..Just wanna keep it as secret...^^
But maybe later will upload it...
see you guys respond and comment lo...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Nothing That I Can Done Perfectly~

Now only I realize that nothing that I can done perfectly..
even though a small thing, I also couldn't do it well..
Feel so sorry to everyone..
Feel so guilty..
I know some of you won't mind about it..
But I am VERY CARE...

I don't know what can I do to improve myself..
Feel so useless of myself..
Feel so stupid...
always tell others not to break promise..
but I always do so..

Really speechless to myself..
feel so disappointed to myself..
Stupid Pikachu..
Moron Zynx..
You should slap yourself for hundred or even thousands times..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This few days feel so guilty..
Hurt many people without realizing...

By the way, wanna say sorry to everyone that I can't be the perfect one..
especially to the someone..
always give you all troubles and make you all always worry about me..
my clumsy,
my stubborn,
my tomboy appearance,
and many things..

Just wanna apologizes..
I will try to change my weaknesses..
Do my best..

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Triple One Six...
What so special about this number?
Maybe it just a number for you all..
but for me, this number is my heart's key..
This key open my heart..
My heart being locked for so long time..
But at this day I open my heart to someone..
Someone who also called sakai...
Someone who sit beside me and met my first accident in PJ..
Someone who join the same activity and events with me..
Someone who always ask me to wear like the girls that he saw in the shopping mall..
Someone who always tease me fat or even call me fat girl.. (hate him when he call me so)
Someone who always ask me to walk straight like a model..
Someone who is very caring and also very naughty..

I start over my life at 1116..
It is a special day in my life..because of this someone..
always take care of me..
always comfort me when I am sad..
always jokes with me..
I am touched with what he have done..
I appreciate what he have done for me...
Thanks Sakai..
I know I am not the perfect one yet...
But I promise I will try my best to change..
I love you, my dear..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

~BaD LuCK~

Last 2 days(17.11.2009) was a bad day for me..
Or maybe I should say that I am lucky..
Because that day, thieves break into my house
They stole 2 laptop and RM400++
I don't know why my laptop didn't get steal...
This is mainly because my laptop are just near the door that the thieves use to came into my house..
But the thieves steal the laptop of my house mates who are only sit opposite of me..
My laptop are really that near to the door that the thieves use to came into my house..
Don'w know wanna say the thieves are stupid or what...
Another lucky thing is that time I was not at home..
Because normally that time (9am-1pm), I will just stay at home and waiting for the time to go to class..
But that day, I was going to Slim River to attend a ceremony of my adopted sister..
So that time when the thieves break in to my house, I was attending the ceremony..

There is a problem for this incident..
My parents want me to move out from that house..
They say the house is insecure..dangerous..
I try to persuade them that I don't want move and wanna stay together with my house mates..
But my parents don't allowed and insist want me to move after I found another room to stay..
My mom keep on annoying me about this issue..
I really don't want move out and separate with my lovely house mates..
What can I do??

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Today don't know why I was hyper super tired..
After having my lunch, my eyes lids start to getting heavier..
after struggle for half an hour..
I choose to go to have a nap..
At the same moment, I ask my room mate to wake me up after half an hour..
But who knows, my room mate didn't wake me up and I slept until 6pm!!
I sleep at 3pm but wake up at 6pm!!
Oh my god...
I was like....O~K, WHATEVER~
It is my 1st time to sleep 3 hours just for my noon nap..

But it make me cant sleep at night...
So what am I going to do??
I start nudge everyone who are still online at msn..
Then my friends ask me why don't go to sleep..
And I told them my reason..
At the end, I ask one of them to go lepak with me^^ haha..
The one who lepak with me is Qiao Wen..
She just come back from a movie but she still volunteer to accompany me this crazy girl..^^
Haha..Thanks to her^^

Then we plan to go kacao a friend who work at a bistro which is inside Jaya One...
But when we reached there, we saw that he was kinda busy..
So, we decide to cancel our plan..
And then we went to 7-11 convenient shop to buy some drinks and start chit-chat..
Haha..don't know why, we start dancing...
I play the songs with my handphone, then me and her start dancing in somewhere inside Jaya 1..
We are like those drunker who dance without feel any shame..
But we enjoy it^^
Suddenly a mat salleh come to us and shake hands with us..
"Nice to meet you" he said
And I replied him with french : " Enchanter"
He was shocked when I speak French..

We chit-chat plus dancing until 2.30am..
Then I found that Qiao Wen looks very tired, and I sent her back home..
Thanks to her to accompany me for whole night^^
And also sorry for suddenly pull her out with me..

Monday, November 2, 2009

Watch Alone~

Do you ever do something alone always? I mean like shopping alone, watch movie alone, have your meal alone or home alone??

I am sure that not everyone do that often..

But I did~

Last weekend I go to watch movie alone..
I reached at cinema around 9.10pm..
Then go to buy ticket..
The worker at counter ask me how many ticket(s) I want..
" 1 please" I answered.
The worker feel kinda shock when I say so..
Plus the movie that I choose to watch is PG-13..
So she kinda not believe I am 19 and going to watch this movie alone..

Anyway, I have to wait until 11.50pm because the move start at that time..
While waiting for the time, I lepak at a Taiwan Restaurant..
I ordered a drink and sat at there until 11.15pm..
The waiter in the restaurant thought I am waiting someone else to come..
But actually there is only me..
I paid the bill and left..
continue waiting until 11.45pm, then go in to the cinema and watch movie..
After I finish, its already 2am..
Kinda early ya..
On the way going back home, I feel different feeling..
Don know why I feel relief..
Haha..Maybe I become abnormal~
Anyway, watch movie alone for the 1st time is a new feeling to me..

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

下乡的话^^*爱·童乐 愿同心*


俊辉 : 你很有那种教育股股长的样子咧..虽然每个人都叫你"小孩", 但你的思想一点都不小孩哦..反而 有很成熟的想法。教育股给你掌控,简直是绝配啊^^
晓彤 : 我很喜欢看你笑咯^^你笑起来很甜美,很可爱的^^你的笑容让我觉得很欣慰,因为你的笑容 有那种小孩子的感觉。
彦婷 : 当时你说要退团时,真的吓到我咧..不过还好你选择留下来,真的是可喜可贺^^我们都是一团 的,有什么事可以和我们分享分担哦^^
庄亮 : 你很有自己的想法。你个人也很坦率,有什么就说什么,这点我还蛮欣赏你的(因为我自己没 办法做到啊)。希望你保持下去哦^^
雁慈 : 我超爱你的海报^^很有创意咯..至少美过上一届的^^哈哈..给他们看到我写什么就糟糕了
佩雯 : 你是我的室友,所以你在团里的一切我最清楚..你可以为了那个海报累到不像人样,也不情 愿去睡觉。我很佩服你的精神。虽然期间发生了很多不愉快的事,但要加油哦^^
巧雯 : 不知何时,我们的感情越来越好哦^^从没话可说变得无话不说,是也说,不是也说 ; 是也 笑,不是也笑..总之感情很好啦^^
侑洋 : 我们的友谊也是在团里慢慢变得很好哦^^也不知何时开始的事啦...哈哈^^在筹备营的时 候,我们时常和巧雯他们去吃晚餐..我们的距离大概在那时候拉近了吧^^希望可以保持下去 哦^^
智辉 :初初认识你时,还以为你是那种比较内向的大哥哥。哪里懂,认识久了,才发现原来你不 简单哦..你那种疯疯癫癫的样子果然让我大跌眼镜..(哎呀,我忘了我没戴眼睛的^^哈哈)
欣燕 : 喜欢看你笑笑的时候,可爱的像小孩般的^^下次看到我要笑多一点哦^^保持联络哦..
玉青 : 记得之前我一直写错你的姓,不好意思哦..希望你大人有大量,不要怪小人哦..虽然和你没什 么接触,但我们也不因为这样而疏远。希望下次我们可以聊更多哦^^
凯明 : 一山还有一山高,尝试放大你的心,缩小你自己。
昇隆 : 你啊?erm..其实我很蛮喜欢看你跳舞的^^你跳舞的时候简直就是小孩子一样,不管别人怎 么想你,就是要把自己在心里最深处的一面展现出来^^很好哦^^很期待再次看你跳舞,尤 其是那首《穷开心》^^
诗韵 : 你是在联谊里最卖力的那个。你就像大姐姐一样,每次都要照顾那三个小弟弟和一个小妹 妹。无时无刻都要想办法让你的股员有那种精神练舞。不过,现在你可以松一口气啦^^下 乡完毕了,但不代表我们的友谊也挂上句号哦^^我们住那么近,多多出来喝茶吧^^
健祥 : 你是不是很爱跳舞??你跳的每一支舞都很好看哦^^每次要练舞的时候,雁慈和仁慧都爱 选站在你的前面,看你示范^^期待你再次教我们练舞哦^^
木兰 : 你很傻傻样咧^^不过傻得还蛮可爱啦^^在团里没什么和你聊过,希望下次可以聊多点哦..
智骏 :看到你的样子就想笑咯^^每当我们在跳《在关爱中成长》笑不出时,一旦看到你的傻乎乎 的样子,我们立刻大笑一场^^你的样子果然可以令人发笑哦^^不过,你认真的那一面也 蛮吓人的啦..你要永远保持傻乎乎的样子哦,因为这才是你^^
翠雯 : 你就像我们团里的大姐姐,很照顾每个团员。还记得在下乡的前两天,我们被前任协调员 训了一顿,全团人都被骂哭了..虽然你自己也情不自禁的哭了,但你怕我们肚子饿,擦干了 眼泪,你还是就去擦面包给我们吃..谢谢你哦^^
廷邦 : 你的健康虽然不是很理想,但你那股下乡的心,那股火让我觉得很敬佩^^谢谢你为我们团 所做的一切^^真的非常谢谢你哦^^
慧恩 : 之前不是和你很熟,一旦你来我家过夜后,我们也变得很多话题说^^这也表示我们也慢慢 变成有话题说的朋友哦^^希望下次可以和你分享分担更多的东西^^
文谊 :之前对你有点误会,不好意思哦^^你是个很好,很值得交的朋友^^你是个很开朗的女孩 ^^每次看到你都觉得很开心,看到你的笑容更加开心^^在筹备营当中虽然你的脚受伤 了,但你还是一样的出席,这让我觉得很内疚..你受伤了还忍着痛出席筹备营..谢谢你哦
正豪 :我到现在才发现原来你是那么的贴心的^^之前没什么看到你,印象中就觉得你是哪种酷酷的男生。但原来是相反的^^世上很缺你这种男生哦,谁做了你的女友还真幸福咧^^
奕伦 : 个子高高的你还真明显咧^^哈哈...做什么事你都要特别小心,因为一旦犯错就很容易被别人发现了..哈哈。爱的温奕伦~你真的很明显哦^^
晓盈 :奕伦的二奶~哈哈..不知何时就这样叫你了~不过你也没怎样啦,还和我一起颠^^很怀念和你一起看来玩笑的时候哦^^
凯胜 : 看不出原来你是那么的富有咧~还玩股票的咧~你还真不容易哦^^不怪的仁慧他们要book你做他们的男友啦^^哈哈……
兆民 : 原来你也不是酷男一族哦~终于看见你活泼的一面了^^就在生活营的时候哦^^不错,保持下去哦^^
诗虹 : 我们的财政大人……哈哈^^你那封恐吓信我还收着哦^^想不到你还会利用"恐吓信" 来威胁我们把钱准时交上^^还真有一套^^佩服佩服~你的理财技术还真不错^^下次你的老公可真放心让你理财了^^哈哈
仁慧 : 你啊~有时还真把我吓了一跳..一时说什么“不要逼我啦!” 你有什么事都可以和我分享分担啊~我可是你的助手咧……感觉上我没什么帮到你,真对不起啊~让你受苦了,真对不起~
碧云 : 你还凶哦~难怪那些小孩都怕了你~哈哈……说真的,你也是个不错的副团长,很照顾每个团员,甚至帮他们解决问题^^加油哦!!
俊麟 : 我很喜欢你带我们的方式,柔的来够刚,刚得来又有柔~即使我们这团没什么纪律,但至少我们很团结^^谢谢你哦~还有你啊,不要那么自闭嘛~在foundation时,从来没见过你那么自闭咧~还好现在有少少的变回自己了^^开心看到你做回原来的自己^^


Tuesday, September 22, 2009






Monday, September 21, 2009



人类天使化 ;
人类恶魔化 ;



Sunday, September 13, 2009

ThE UgLy TrUtH~

Yesterday I just went to a movie with my course mate..
Initially, we want to watch a movie called "Where Got Ghost?" which is a comedy film produced by a director from Singapore.
Unfortunately, the tickets were sold out when we reached there..
So, we went to another movie called " The Ugly Truth" at 11.10pm..

Hmm..before the movie start, we accompanied xiao thoong and ah choo to have their dinner..
At the moment waiting them to finish their dinner, I ordered a Cappuccino Ice Blended..
The moment I drink the cappuccino...WOW!! IT WAS SO DELICIOUS~
Yummy!! ^^
I liked can't stop myself from drinking it..
Until I finish the whole glass of cappuccino ice blended..
Yum Yum~ =D
Then I got the idea to order 1 more cappuccino ice-blended..I ADDICTED to it!! Love It~
But then I know I have to control myself...Because I spent too much at that day already..hehe..
I was getting high after finish drinking the cappuccino..LoL~
Choon Lin say that cappuccino must be mixed with alcohol already..haha XD
Then he also ordered one to try also..

At the end, he also get high~wahaha^^
Then both of us influenced others as well..
Even though other people didn't drink about it, they get high as well because of us..wahaha..
After ah choo and xiao thoong finish their dinner, then we enter the cinema to watch our movie..

Before we enter cinema, the worker there ask all of us to take out IC card..
i was wondered what is going on..We are all above 18 years old la..
But then I realised something, that is really funny..
4 of the 5 person (sunny, xiao thoong, ah choo and me) are alomost the same height,
only choon lin that fellow has the normal height for our age..
So the workers think all of us are under age as the movie is labeled as 18-PL..
Oh My God~
First time watch movie being catched by workers to check our IC..LoL~
Really the first time..Anyway, it proved that all of us are look younger than our actual age..XD

During watching the movie, we keep on laughing on what the actors and actresses said in the movie..
That is damn damn funny..
I still remember one of the sentences in the movie..
Xiao Thoong keep on say this sentence after the movie..
Anyway, the storyline of this movie quite nice and funny..
You all should go and watch it~ High Recommendation!! =P

Yesterday, we depart from our house at 8pm but we only get back to house at 2.30am..
WOW! The longest time we get high for this moment...haha..
We get already get a bit high at the beginning because just finish the toughest and stressful subject's exam..that is BROADCASTING I..(phew~ yeah~^^)
Anyway, now still have 4 more paper to go..
Gambateh!! All the best to all of you!!
GO GO GO!! ^^

Anyway, anyone can answer me is that every truth is also UGLY??

Monday, August 24, 2009

FaMiNe 30^^

Yesterday 23rd of August 2009, I just finished my fasting for 30 hours..
It is so syok, man!!
You guys must go to experience it next year...

Before I go to Famine 30 Hours..
I go for practise..
First day, I fasting for 14 hours..
Second day, I fasting for 14 hours..
Third day, I fasting for 26 hours..
The feel is totally different...

Now only I realise, I LOVE the feel of HUNGRY..
It make me so energetic even though I don't have anything in my stomach..
My friends all say I am insane..
During the FAMINE 30 DIY CAMP, I never feel a bit hungry..
I am the one who shout the most in the camp..haha( just wanna make my group member more shouting some motivating slogans^^)
But I lost my voice at the next day..


that is my group slogan..
The most creative slogan among the groups..
Wahaha..just syok sendiri..

Who didn't join FAMINE 30 HOURS before..
You should go for it..
It really very true!!
Next year I sure join it again!!

me, grace goh and sabrina..haha..the most ugly picture of me..

me and my group member, Jooh..a pretty girl oh^^

this is the scene when I go to countdown ceremony at Stadium Bukit Jalil...Is around 7000 people at high!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My SaMpAt CouSin~

Thanks to my sampat cousin, Saiwin Chew..
Today I went to 1 Utama with my dearest and most sampat cousin..
We snap a lot of self-loving pictures..
1st time snap pictures with smile =)
Thanks so much, Saiwin~

I Love this Picture the most...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

To Someone (a guy)

I know you still care for me..
But can you don always ask me to accept this guy or that guy?
Not everyone is suit for me..
Sometimes I feel like I am a burden for everyone..
Always let people that around me worry about me..
make them sad, make their life so insecure because of me..
I know I dont have that great influence..
But I know my presence have make some people's life messy and suffer..

This is not the first time I feel so..
Stress has make my life so negative..
But then I still need to continue my life..
I dont know how long I can live in this earth..
With the energy I have, I will still make people that around me laugh..
make them happy..
I dont mind be a clown..
I just want all my friends
I know you always avoid me..
Just because of some reasons..
I know..i understand..
Sometimes I also doubt that should I tell you this and that..
but I know I have to keep my promise before I came to PJ..
that I have to tell you everything happening here..
I know when I tell you about my life, your mood will start to change..

You always ask me not so stress la..cheer up~
But it is hard for me..
Anyway, I will still make my life better..
Dont worry...

Friday, August 7, 2009


Recently, 2 of my house mates are in the illness..
As a house mate for them, I should take care for them..
But actually the main purpose I take care of them is I hope myself get sick too~

This is because long time I din fall sick already..(I think since form 1, that time is because chicken pox..Oh My God~)
I scare if later I sick, it will be a serious sick..
I don wan be that..So I rather to get a fever than get a serious sick..
But no matter how close I am with my housemates who are sick, how often I stick with them..
I just cant get sick~~
Is it showed that my immune system is too strong???

I told my friends that I want get sick..
The first respond from them is "CHOI!!! Why you like that? Touch wood! Touch wood!"
I just wanna get sick la..
Not commit suicide =__=
By the way, I hope my housemates will recover soon..
Take care, girls and guys~
drink more water and get enough sleep ya^^

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Am Not OkAy~

Since I come to PJ, my stress never reduce before..
It just keep on increasing..
Till now, I really can't stand with it anymore..
I feel wanna cry..
But I can't find a shoulder that I can lean..

Why I so stressful?
Let me tell you what post I am holding..
First, I am the Assistant Secretary of Travellr's Den..
Organiser for the Pulau Redang's Trip..

Second, I am the Assistant Treasurer of Public Speaking And Drama Club..
Need to recruit new member start from today..

Third, I am the chairperson of Musical Prom Night..
Every proposal need to finish within this semester..

Fourth, I am the Assistant Secretary for the Project Langkawi..
Is an big event for Community Service Society..
Every Sunday need to attend the meeting, some more will get scolded everytime meeting..(sure get scolded**)

I really can't sleep well every night..
Always think about the idea for the next meeting..
What should I do for the next meeting..
Which theme should I use for the Musical Prom Night..

I really miss my home...I miss my buddies in hometown..I miss my kampar friends
but because all of these meetings, I need to stay back every weekend..

The worst thing is when I emo..
You guys who know me well should know what I will do when I am emo..
When I emo, I not really will talk to people..
And this cause my housemates and friends not dare to talk to me..
They say I look "fierce" when I emo..
They got try to make me smile by jokes or whatever funny thing..
But I jus cant smile..

I am getting more emo nowadays..
I lost the ability of smile..
I am not like past..always the person who laugh the most..
I want be myself back..
But I just cant..
Who can help me find myself back??

I really need someone who can understand me..
Like my kampar friends and my hometown buddies..
They sure have the way to make me laugh..
share my tears and joy..
share my words of heart..

Sometimes, I feel wanna quit..
But I know I cant do such stupid thing..
I need to continue no matter how hard is it..
Although I am not really okay for now, I still will continue it..
It is for all of you who care for me out there..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

100 TrUtH ^^

001. Real name → ChIn ZiH YiN
002. Nickname(s)→PiKaChU, SaKaI
005. Male or female → FeMaLe
006. Elementary → TaDiKa RaSa SaYaNg
007. Middle School → SJK(c) SaN MiN No.1
008. High School->SMJK SaN MiN
009. College School --> UTAR
010. Hair color → Black.
011. Long or short → LonG
012. Loud or Quiet → Loud and quiet
013. Sweats or Jeans → SwEaTs
014. Phone or Camera → PhOnE
015. Health freak → Nope
016. Drink or Smoke? → None
017. Do you have a crush on someone? NoPe
018. Eat or Drink → DrInKs
019. Piercings → YeS.
020. Tattoos → No.

023. First piercing → 6 YeArS oLd
024. First best friend → MeI JinG
025. First award → BaNd CoMpEtITiOn
026. First crush → PrImArY ScHooL
027. First pet → DoGGiE ^^
028. First big vacation → GeNtInG HiGhLanD
030. First big birthday → 16th BiRtHdAy

049. Eating → No.
050. Drinking → No.
052. I'm about to →pLaY ^^
053. Listening to → JaPaNeSe SonGs
054. Plans for today →StUdY FoR ExAm...BuT StiLL So FrEE To bLoGGinG
055. Waiting for → 12am..StArT StUdY SeRiOusLy

058. Want kids? → Of CoUrSe..BuT NoT NoW....HaHa
059. Want to get married? → NoT DeSpErAtE FoR It
060. Careers in mind →DJ, TV HoSt, BrOaDcAsTeR..AnYtHiNg AbOuT TV oR RaDiO StAtIoN

068. Lips or eyes → BoTh
070. Shorter or taller? → BoTh
072. Romantic or spontaneous → BoTh
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → NiCe ArMs
074. Sensitive or loud→ SeNsItIvE
075. Hook-up or relationship → HooK-uP.
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → NeiThEr

080. Lost glasses/contacts →SoMetImEs
081. Ran away from home → YeS.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → No
083. Killed somebody → DeFiNetLy NO!!!
084. Broken someone's heart → YeS..SoRRy FoR ThAt..>__<
085. Been Arrested → Of CouRse No!!
087. Cried When Someone Died → YeS..My GrAnDpA...

089. Yourself → 100% YeS!!
090. Miracles → YeS!!
091. Love at first sight → No..NeVeR ExPeRiEnCed..
092. Heaven → YeS
093. Santa Claus →NoT ReaLLy BeLiEve...
094 Tooth Fairy--> No..
095. Kiss on the first date -> YeS.

097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now → JusT Let It NaTure..StUdY 1st
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → YuP^^
099. Do you believe in God → YeS
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people→bLaCk, CaLvIn LaU, WaI SioNg, ChEEsY, BoNg BonG, PooI Sie, CaTheRiNe, AvIvI, ChIaNg TeeN HaO, KhAnG YoU

Saturday, July 11, 2009

WeAr SkIRt ToDaY^^

Today I'm going to Sungei Wang to support my friend who participate in singing competition..
What make me decide to wear skirt? (some more is mini skirt^___^)

Wanna attract attention??

Wanna pikat boys??
NOPE also!!

The answer is........

Cos I accidently buy the skirt...
so I have to wear it..
If not, it just waste my money...
Wanna see my look when wearing skirt??
Wahaha...Get it from me at msn la^^
I won't post it here...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Let's post some happy blog..
Tell you guys some good news...

I 'm going to meet my family, chat with them and also lay on my warmest bed^^
I do miss my family especially my daddy who work very hard to pay my fees and all the expenses..
Dad, I love you^__^

My dad and I..My dad very handsome right?? wahaha^^ That is for sure la..My dad leh!!

I will get RM1000 as my scholarship!!
well...Don't try to rob me...I am black belt from martial arts!!
ah cha!! cha!! cha!! cha!! (acting like bruce lee** wahaha^^)

I'm joining FAMINE 30!!
I'm sure you all know what is it..if don't know, never mind..Let's me explain to you..
It is a campaign that donate money to those unlucky children or people that always in hunger..
For example, Africans..
So now its that clear?? haha^^
By the way, who want to donate money for all this unlucky people, you can contact me (by giving some comment or testi)..I am one of the member of community service society also^^
Please tell me before 17 of July..

Yeah Yeah!! Today is TUESDAY already..
3 more days to go!! Then I will back to hometown!!

#SmiL3 aLw4yS#

Monday, June 15, 2009

TiRed?? StReSS? UnHappY??

Recently I don't know what happen to me..
Since I came to PJ, I had nightmare for 3 times..
Everytime I also cry till awake..
The latest nightmare is today..
Today afternoon, I was studying..
But half way I felt asleep already >____<
Then I was dreaming..
Inside the dream, I was being raped..
I don't know why I will dream about this..
Is me too stress? Too unhappy with my life in PJ? Not satisfy??
I don't know..
This nightmare make me moody the whole day..
I just hope start from tomorrow, everything will be fine..
Everything will be go on like normal..


Saturday, May 30, 2009

EvErYtHinG aT PJ~~

Finally, I got the time to update my blog..
but unfortunately, this post will be make PJ become a bad place to stay...(sorry for those people who born in PJ or like PJ so much...I am just tellimg the truth >____<  )
24th of May, I move to PJ..This is mainly because I will proceed my degree course at PJ UTAR campus..haih..Have to leave my lovely Kampar and also my lovely friends...damn sad..

That day, I depart at 10.30am from my hometown..then on the way to PJ, my dad taught me many road's rules..because he know my driving skill is damn "excellent" and may bang with other cars if I too "pay attention" while driving..haha^^when we almost reach Damansara, my car was almost over heat!!! Oh My Goodness!! My dad immediately stopped the car at the nearesr rest house and let the car cool down before the car getting hotter..Yesterday, I just send my sakai car go for service..why will this happen?? I also wondered about it..may be the car mechanic is careless?? I was damn worry abt my sakai car since it is my current "husband" (since I am still single, car, laptop and my handphone are my "husband" ^__^ ) Luckily, it cool down afterward...phew~~^-^ Then, we continue our journey again....kaka^^

After 15 minutes, we reached my cousin sister's house...We need her to be our travel guide in PJ..hehe^^ because my dad don't know how to go to my new hostel which located at Section 17..
but before that we go to furniture shop and also Tesco to buy all the stuff like table, chair and some grocery.."Okay!! Here we are!! We reached Section 17^^!!" my cousin said..
then we started to find my hostel..."Is number 41!!" I said...yes, we found my new hostel^^
then I call the house owner to open the door for me, so I can move my stuff into the house..

WAH!!! After the owner open the door, the house is damn damn messy!!!! OH MY GOD!! rubbish are everywhere!! The dust on the floor is damn thick...oh my my!! I think this time we sure need a lot of time to clean it up...T___T 
then, my dad and cousin sister help me move those stuff into the house..and we left the house after 20 minutes..(as I am waiting 1 of my future housemate come) the house owner said we can only officially stay at the house on 25th of May, so I will come again tomorrow..

25th of May...
I drive my sakai car car to my hew hostel..(my dad drive it to PJ and he take bus to go back hometown..Pity my dad T__T...Daddy, you are the best father in the world!!) then once i reached there, I saw my future housemates started to clean up the house already..then I also take out my cleaning stuff and join them^^after 6 hours, then only we finish clean the whole you can see the house is so damn dirty!!

After finish clean up, all of us go for bath and then dinner!!! That time was already 9.45pm, all of us are very very hungry..but we still need to walk out to get our we are new at PJ, so we don know where got food court or some kopitiam...we walk and walk..what we found just some mamak stall..oh my!! my first dinner at PJ is at mamak stall..never mind...then I ordered roti canai telur as my dinner..I though it should be delicious...who knows? It is extremely bad taste!!! but I still finish it as this roti canai telur cost me RM1.30 >___<...I cant waste any money at PJ..MUST save money!!

Then, we walk back home after dinner..once we reached home, 1 of my housemate straight away go to toilet..It is not because the food is dirty, is because she really "urgent" ad..who knows? after she finish, she cant plush the toilet..she say the toilet was spoilt!! OMG!!@#$%%
why this house so many problems? that is not the worst..the worst is I met my "enemy" again!! that is COCKROACH!!! ARGHH!!! BABI !!! why you appear again!!?? They appear in the toilet..T__T I'm gonna cry when I saw THEM!!! 11 cockroach is "walking" in the toilet!! 11!!! Mommy, I want go back!!! T___T

Above are the picture of the dead cockroach...T__T

I thought I will never see them again after I move to PJ..OMG!!
but is ok..lucikly they just stay at downstair's toilet..not upstairs (because I'm staying upstairs^^) The next day, we take bus to campus in the morning..The management system of UTAR really POOR!! They likely didn't connect to each other..haih..never mind..the most pity is when we need to walk from 1 block to another block..the journey take us 45 minutes!! is 45 minutes!! all the block is not at the same area...I was wonder..Is this consider campus or what...=____=
I have to stay at this sucks place for 3 years!! I don know until when I can stand with it...haih..
everything at PJ now is so sucks..I prefer to stay at Kampar than at PJ..I MISS KAMPAR!! BRING ME BACK PLEASE!! T___T

Friday, May 22, 2009

^NeW LiFe NeW ShiRt^

Today, my friend and I went to window shopping^^
Haha..but not really window shopping la..we got bought something also..hehe..
my friend and I bought a couple shirt^^ kaka..(my friend is a girl..AND DON'T MISUNDERSTANDING!! I AM STRAIGHT ONE..>__<) Besides that, I also bought some cute accessories^__^ ( can't tahan see that accessories so cute, so wanna have it^^) Pictures below are what I bought today..wahaha...Just spend RM30 for these...

Above that one is mine shirt^^ below that one is my friends..haha^^ nice?

a cute necklace^^ Like it...

a star shaped earring^^

hehe..actually the main purpose I went for window shopping is looking for black pants..unfortunetely, the pants that I found is out of my didn't buy it..and I bought all above^^kaka...I think I am not consider as "spendthrift" if I bought these all, right? >__<

Thursday, May 14, 2009

^A New Life^

Today wanna share with you all is about a new life of a baby bird..
This morning I just realise that was a nest at my garden..and there is a baby bird inside the looks so cute^^
I can't tahan and take a few pictures of it..Hope what I did wont make it feel scare...
found the baby bird??

hehe..I snap it close...^^

kuchi kuchi^^ that is a baby bird^^

ang gugu^^

damn cute right??

That is a sad news also..After I snap this baby bird's photos..the baby bird fly away already..
I thought I can meet it for the next day..who knows when I go to visit it in the is not in the nest ad..
Bye bye, baby bird...I hope I can meet you again..and sorry for scaring you..
I think you fly away is because I suddenly snap your pictures and you feel damn scare right??
sorry  T____________T

Saturday, May 9, 2009

LoVe = SaYanG = 疼爱^^

Now only I realise that people that around me very sayang me..mean that they love me so much..
care about my everything...wipe my tears when I cry, make me laugh when I am emo, share my joy when there is something happy and accompany me when I am facing pain..

Listening to a music called "Blue Dragon", The first person I will think in my mind is Black, my ah gor (mean abang angkat, in English called fake brother or step brother..somrthing like that la..hehe^^)...
He is a nice guy..This song I found in his blog and for sure I ask him to send this song to me..
"Blue Dragon" is a soft melody, the rhythm of this song touched my heart conclusion, I like this song so about Black who send me this song..I have to thank him to accompany me that day..That day my mood was totally down..cry for several times when I view back my class pictures..and that day all my housemates leave me alone at know, when a girl alone, sure think a lot of Black ask me to go his house..He accompany me for the whole night until 3am..We talk a lot of nonsense also..haha^^and I get a big secret in the conversation..Want me to annouce it or not, Black?? I mean about the girl you one..haha^^Dont worry la, I wont say it out^^ Anyway, Thank you so much, Black..

Then, the next person in my mind is Calvin Lau Kai Mun..How to describe this guy? Erm..oh car's sticker is designed by him..

tada~~!! This is my sakai car car la^^cool right?? I know even though u didn't say it out..
wahaha^^sorry la, just wanna show off..kaka~
Erm..Calvin is my second ah gor (if still don know meaning, please refer to line 6, 2nd paragraph)..
He give me a lot of mentally support when I was at matter what, he sure give me fully support..I still remember what happened in first semester is me, cheesy and wai siong "forced him to tell us how he chase his baobei (his currently girlfriend)...that time he was like shy shy and dont want talk much about it..but after semester 2, he changed a lot..LoL..what I mean he changed a lot is his shyness NO MORE...haha..for example, in 1st semester, if ask him go to ask a stranger about something, he sure refuse to do so..but now, he can even chat with that stranger happily..that is his changes..By the way, thanks, calvin^^ I will remember that I have such a nice ah gor which always give me support no matter what^^

oh my goodness...I realised that almost the all residents of 1592,WESTLAKE, Kampar are my ah gor ad..=__=||
sweat lo..LoL...include ah ben (who always accompany me go to cyber cafe and play left 4 dead which is a exciting online game), ah bong and wai siong...haha..these guys always in a nothing can separate them..they are something like gay partners..=__=|| haha^^ just kidding..

Next, I would like to talk about my hometown friends who are also always sayang me..they are Lee Cheng, Lee Jie, Sye Jia and Su Ying^^

Lee Cheng (right) and Lee Jie (left) are twins^^they are my ah jie (mean kakak angkat, in English is fake sister)

This is Sye Jia..She is my ah jie also but she not available already...haha^^
because she has a nice boyfriend already..Haha..I will have a "brother-in-law" soon^^

This is Su Ying..currently study at UTAR Kampar..taking Accounting as her degree course..haha^^She is also my ah jie..and so bad she also not available already..kaka^^

3 of them is the one who are always care for me..give me the warm of a big sister...because I am the only daughter in my family..I so desperate that my mom will give me a little sister when she pregnant last time..but unfortunately, my mom give birth of  little brother..but this also can't blame my mom la..Not in her control..hehe^^
Luckily, I have 3 of them as my big sister..they just like my real sister..always pamper me..give me what I want..hehe^^ so good if become a little sister..3 of them are the 1st person I will think when I need someone to talk with..but normally I chat more to lee cheng..because she is the closest person with me among of them...They always called me ah mei (mean little sister)..that sound sweet right?^^ Thanks to them accompany me in whatever situation I am in..really thanks a lot..if my life without them, I think I can't survive anymore..haha^^

Thanks to everyone, what you all did for me, I really appreciate it..I will save it in the deepest place of my heart and won't delete it forever..I promise and I swear for it..

***some people that I didn't mention in this blog doesn't mean that they not love me..But is because what they  did is difficult to be explain in the blog...what they did are meaningful to me^^THANKS SO MUCH^^

Love make the world sweet..
Love make the world beautiful..
Love make the world avoid from crime..
Love make the world happy..

Love everyone that around you..Don't wait until they leave you, then only you feel regret for what you did to them..Just love them without expect anything in return...

Thursday, May 7, 2009


When will you feel that you are lonely? when you are alone?? when you saw a couple?? Or when all of your friends are not around you??

I will feel lonely when I was alone at that time, I will start to think nonsense..
something rubbish will flash out in my mind..But normally what I think when I feel lonely are something that is sad, then I will start to cry...
If when I cry, there is a soft music is playing I will cry more serious..of course the amount of the tears will come out more..

Let me tell you something..when I was small, I love to cry..Cry can consider is my hobby la^^
you know why? This is because cry can relieve my pain inside my heart..after finish crying, I will feel very tired, then the next thing sure is go to bed and sleep..It is better to take alcohol which will cost you a the taste of alcohol is bitter!! When you are sad, you drink something is bitter some more, will it increase your sadness too?

Until now, I still like to cry..even a small matter, I also will cry like hell..haha^^
That's why sometimes people say me like a child...But besides cry, I don't know what can I do when I feel sad..That is the only way to calm down myself..But of course I really hope that I can find a comfortable shoulder to lie down and cry..Just don't know when I can find this comfortable shoulder...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

BaBy TiMe~~^^

Now is my vacation..too boring, so I see back my baby pictures..
wahaha..Now only I know that when I was a baby, is so damn cute...
I'm not syok sendiri see yourself then you will know how cute am I..haha^^

This is when I was a baby..cute right? I know I am..wahaha^^

Erm..Do you found me? I am among the dolls la...

Haha..This is me again..kawaii neh^^

Sorry, brother..I upload yours face also..kaka~~^^

Oh Man!! I am cool with this pose..hahaha^^

Erm..Looks like I wear a lot of skirts when I was small..This is the look I wear skirt..haha^^

Another cool pose with a pair of cool spec and cool clothes..hehe^^

So..cute and cool right? I know you agree with me..wahaha..just admit it la^^

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Going To Leave a Lovely Place...

From the 1st day I came to this place, I feel so strange to it..Althought sometimes I will stopped at this place when I go to ipoh..but still feel strange to it..What I can describe about this place from my 1st impression on it is "this place is kinda rural, the road is narrow, no entertaiment, and no shopping centre"..That time I know that textbook maybe is my best hobby ever and study is my whole life at this place..haih...okay, it is okay...not a big deal for me.. 1st house is located at Jalan perak 12..That time when I moved into the house, i already feel really uncomfortble..but no choice, I can't find any place to stay already..there are zero option for me...haih..okay..the first day I moved into that house..there were nobody staying there except me..You know, although I am a little bit tomboy, I still a GIRL la!! sure will feel scare la..then I make a call to my friend and stay over her house...

After three days, my ex-classmate phone me that his house has a empty room and he ask whether I wan join them or not..Without any hesitate, I straight away answer him "YES!"..haha..then the next day, I start pack my things and moved into his house which located at 498,Lorong Perdana 11, Taman Perdana..wahaha..that house is bigger than my 1st house..the most important is I feel comfortable with it^^My new housemates are Sheong Wei (my ex-classmate who call me to join him, is a cheft in my house^^he cook for us^^), Meng Yang (my hometown friend^^), Yew Tiong (my ex-schoolmate^^), Calvin and also Elaine (both of them are siblings^^) We are like a big family..although I am born in October which is a little bit older than Calvin and Yew Tiong, they still call me little sister..hmph! but is okay, as I look younger than them..I am girl la, sure want look younger than actual age^^

The next day is my 1st school day..I mean my first day in my campus, UTAR..I was a clumsy people if without my friend..The 1st thing I stepped into this campus is to register my name and hand out the admission letter to the officer..Then the rest activities that organised by the campus, I skipped^^( because my friend told me that it is boring, and attendance is not compulsory^^ wahaha)

I only come back to the campus on next week..The week was my 1st study week..The study life over here is totally different with the study life at high school..the time table is not like what we get when we were at high school..the classroom for every class is not fixed..well, it is a new environment for me and I have to adapt with it..

Okay!! Let's start my 1st class...If not mistaken, my 1st lecture is English..The 1st day, I just try to make more new friends..NO MAN IS AN well as me..the first friend I know was John form TB2..He is quite a passive guy from my 1st impression for him..(but now he is as active as a monkey=.=) Then is Qi-Xi which is from my class TB4^^ 1st impression on her is she likes to be a boy..she like to call herselve "prince cricket"...I also don know why=.=

Well...after a year staying at here, there are a lot of things got a shopping centre called TESCO^^ then got a entertaiment place as well as a study room is G2 (because this place I can sing karaoke, got air-cond..hehe^^)..I make a lot of friends at here also..but now, I'm going to leave this place..this is mainly because I will proceed my degree at PJ campus..haih..last time if you ask me to move to other place to study, I will feel damn happy because that time I not really like this place (especially my 1st house)..but now, I have a lot of friends at here..ask me to go? If I can choose, I sure don't want..haih..but there is another zero option for me..

Well, it's almost the time to leave this lovely place - KAMPAR..

Sayornara, Kampar...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

^WoRdS ArE MoRe ShArP ThAn WeAPoNs^

Most of the people think that when a sharp weapon stab into our body is the most painful thing ever..But they never think that actually a sentence of harsh words is even more painful than a sharp weapon..When weapon stab on our body, the worst is just we will have physically injured..after some treatment, the wound will be recover..However, when a harsh word is saying about us, we will suffer from the mentally injured..our heart will be hurt..and the wound will never be recover and there will be a scar that stay inside our heart forever and ever..

Maybe you will feel that if we don't care so much about what people say, we may not feel that pain..but do you really wont feel that pain? do you really wont care about what people say? I have a nice lecturer in my study life in UTAR Kampar..She is really a understanding lecturer..She never scold her students even the students make mistake.. But now she is being hurt by a sentence that come out from 1 of her students..She never feel that hurt before..Even when you heard that sentence, you will feel depress and sad..

Althought she is being criticised by her student, she never blame on that student but blame herself...She blame herself that can't give a perfect study life to her students..make the student's study life has a regret..She blame herself cant be a perfect lecturer..the student just say a sentence that full  of harsh words, but that is more than enough to hit someone's confidence..enough to strike someone from heaven to the hell..

That harsh sentence is more more SHARP than a knife and weapon..It hurt that lecturer deeply in heart..the wound will never recover..If recover, there also will be a deep deep scar that will stay in the heart forever and ever..By the way, I want taking this chance to apologize to my lecturer that I skipped her class that day..SORRY, miss lecturer..I wont do that again..And last, I hope Miss Lecturer will feel better soon and don't bother the harsh sentence already..Take Care, Miss Lecturer..

Thursday, March 19, 2009


What is FAILED??  Refers to Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (6th edition), page 613, FAILED mean not successful. Now, I would like to start telling you all what I failed recently...

First, is my assignment problem..Before I start my assignment, my members told me that we can finish the assignment by this coming friday(19.3.2009)..well, I said that it is not a problem for me if you guys willing to work hard for it^^At the same time, I felt happy also because I have more time to enjoy my study life at Kampar since this semester is my last semester at Kampar..haih..However, the mission to finish the assignment by this Friday is FAILED to achieve..This is because 1 of my group member has something urgent matters to do..and 2 of my members falling in sick..and the weather which always raining make me in trouble..because I don't have car plus my house is far far away from my group member's raining becomes my excuse foe cancel the discussion..Sorry, guys(T.T) Then the discussion being postponed for 2 times..and the first discussion is held on yesterday mean 18th of March..But only me and avivi is in the discussion..Ash was rushing to hospital to visit his uncle, ghanish was badly sick..wai siong and calvin were having dinner..haih..then I start the discussion with avivi..but at the end, both of us watching movie named "Slumdog Millionaire"..Nice Movie^^

Second FAILED thing is my relationship..I was being rejected..I was FAILED..In previous blog, I got mentioned a guy..and I take out my bravery and courage to confess to him about my feel on him..he replied that actually he like me also^^BUT he said that he don't want has any girlfriend for now first..and then he start apologizes to me..Although at that time my heart is hurt, I still tell to him that it is not a big deal..I know I am try to hide myself to avoid from making the situation to become worse..but unfortunately I FAILED to do so..I can't hide my sadden..I write what I feel at that time in my msn's personal message there..and the guy that I like saw it and continue say sorry to me and ask me to do better for next time..SHIT!! What I want?Although I really hope that I can couple with him..but IT IS IMPOSSIBLE..Wake UP!!! Stupid Sakai King!! It is OVER!! By the way, I had told him that is no more for next time..It is hurt..He felt guilty for that too..the next day I felt so embarass to meet that guy..Once I saw him, I will pretend didn't see him or rush to toilet to escape from him..I know this is a small little girl's action..but I really don't know what to do at that time already..slowly, the situation become normal like last time..Me and the guy still close friend for now although my vindicate was FAILED..


Is FAILURE  the lead to SUCCESS??

I really dont't know..I hope next time there will be no more FAILURE that make me feel regret in my life..Thanks GOD^^

Saturday, March 14, 2009

PaSSionaTe LoVe^^

This semester my only assignment is social psychology..Then, my assignment title is Passionate Love Scale..When I having discussion with my group member ( I am the leader because I am the only girl in the group=="), first thing we have to do is think the question for the questionaire..

Ash think the first question," Do you obsessed upon he/she?" well..if this question let you to answer, what is your answer? Yes? Or No? 

Second question, "When you hold his/her hand in the public, will you feel like he/she is in your control?" Third question," Will you protective and possessive upon him/her?"

Then, at this time, I ask 1 of my member, Calvin.."How much you know about your girlfriend?"Then he replied me that which field I mean? I ask" Do you know when is your girlfriend period date?" He say "Yes!" Wow..This is a nice boyfriend..Then I ask again" Do you know what brand of pad your girlfriend using now?" He say "YES!! But she always change the brand" This answer is really good^^ I like this kind of guy..but not Calvin la..I ask again"Do you know what size of bra your girlfriend wearing?" He answer "YES!!" again...He say he know everything about his girlfriend including some private things..Wah!! This can show that how much he love his girl..I really really admire him..If I have such a boyfriend, I won't let him go forever..Haha^^

Then Ash said that he have a friend that very loyal and willing to sacrifices everything for her boyfriend..Ash said that her boyfriend was died since 3 years ago in an accident, but that girl will go to his grave every year..pray at to the grave of her boyfriend..and in friendster, she will send comment and testi to her boyfriend..and then use back her boyfriend's account to reply all the comment and testi..maybe it look weird, but I think that is a kind of way to comfort that girl..maybe she still cant accept the fact that her boyfriend is gone..such a touched love story, it should be post to let everyone read it..This is what we called TRUE LOVE and ETERNAL LOVE..

So, for every couple in this world, please appreciate the one who beside you now..don't only you feel regret when that one leaves you..

Friday, March 13, 2009


My heart was being freezed and iced for a few years, I never have any feel to other guys till I meet him...My heart start to melt and start to admire him at first..Slowly, I feel that I am in crush..I start to care whatever he do, wherever he go..not only that, I also start to miss him everyday...Oh NO!! Why it will become like that?? Am I abnormal?

Since my 1st love gone, I never have that feel of like this before..Will he be my next love? I don't know..I not dare to tell him what I feel on him..I scare our friendship will be affected if I told both of us will meet always when we transfer to another to avoid from being awkward, I keep this feel inside my heart..I control my action..I control my feel toward him..

I don't know until when I can keep this feel but I will keep it as long as I can..Although now me and him are close friend, I still can feel the distance between us..I admit that I really hope he can be my boyfriend but I know it won't happen to me..Because I know he won't have feel on me...he have feel on other girl already..never ever will be my turn to be his next girl..I just hope that I can be his side..When he feel happy, I will feel please..When he feel sad, I will be there to comfort him and give him all my time if needed..I just wanna see him live in a life that full of happiness and smiling..Guy, I really like you..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Sorry..long time didn't write this period, many things were happened..First of all, I went to Genting Highland with my friends^^ Then, I also busy with my final exam..but my exam is over^^ damn happy..well..long time didn't write now don know what to write already..haha^^ well..I still the the end of blog, I will attached a cute cute picture^^

Friday, January 9, 2009


Yeah!! After tomorrow, all my assignment and presentation will be finished^^so happy..finally can relax a bit..but final exam is coming soon...Haih..Pity me because the final exam is just after Chinese New Year..Cant't enjoy the new year happily..This week already week 13 for my second semester..1 more semester to go for my foundation year..after foundation year, I will be leaving Kampar and go to PJ to continue my degree so so sad...Anyway, just think nearer a bit..Hope my final exam can get good result^^ Everyone must pray for me oh~

Thursday, January 8, 2009


What a tired day today...I was try to make myself be energetic..but I still failed to do it..After come back from campus, I have to rush to assignment discussion which held at my friend's house and which also located far far away from my house..After reach at there, I have nothing to do also..haih..just sitting at there chit-chat with friends while they doing the presentation slide..after finishing the slide, me and my friend go for my "lunch"..hehe..then as I reached my house, I straight away go to lay on my bed, and without realising I felt is a tired day....GooD Night...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

IcE-BrEaKiNg ^^ NoT IcE-MaKinG

Today is the ice-breaking session for the freshman in my campus..well..This year I become the facilitator..^^ Early in the morning( about 6.15am), I go to my campus's sport complex to have a short briefing..Then, I was selected to become the facilitator of group 11. My partner is my best friend, Qi-Xi. Then, I start shouted "GROUP 11, WHO IS IN GROUP 11, PLEASE COME OVER HERE!!!" But what I got is people run toward to me to register..well..I continue shouting not matter what..Finally, a girl named Ting Ying came toward to me  and said that she is in group 11..YEAH!! Finally, I get my 1st group member..About 10am, there was 12 members in my group..After that, we choose the leader of my group..And the leader is a indian guy which live at Batu Gajah, Silambaran (if not spelling wrongly)..then we named the group as FANTASTIC 11..Our slogan was FANTASTIC 11, CHA CHA CHA!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! wow!! that is a nice slogan I ever all my group member are extremely active and as playful as me..kaka^^

Well, my group has bee teng, ken, lohis, sing ee, sin yee, alicia, wei wen, kah mun, pei fern, ting ying, silambaran and last but no least is chin chin^^ At that ice-breaking session, our group members were very enjoy the games..Although at the end we didn't get any prizes, at least we had fun^^ From this ice-breaking session, I met more new friends..For example, eng aun (is a senior which always speak Hokkien with me), Mr.Bong (ice-breaking committee), Orange (ice-breaking committee), Ah Jay (is a orientation helper which actually I met before ice-breaking session), Black( officially now is my good brother^^)..All of them also only I  realise is a happy day today because I met such a energetic group members and some  funny friends^^

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First BLog ^^ is my first time to blog..I don't know that whether I have that patient to blog everyday..haha.. anyway, just follow what my heart want me to do^^ Hope my reader will happy always^^